A Ghost Story (2017)

In this singular exploration of legacy, love, loss, and the enormity of existence, a recently deceased, white-sheeted ghost returns to his suburban home to try to reconnect with his bereft wife.

All Releases

Domestic (81.8%)
International (18.2%)
Summary Details
Domestic DistributorA24
See full company information
Domestic Opening$104,030
Earliest Release DateJuly 7, 2017 (Domestic)
Running Time1 hr 32 min
GenresDrama Fantasy Mystery Romance


AreaRelease DateOpeningGross
DomesticJul 7, 2017$104,030$1,596,371

Europe, Middle East, and Africa

AreaRelease DateOpeningGross
United KingdomAug 11, 2017$173,963$173,963

Asia Pacific

AreaRelease DateOpeningGross
AustraliaJul 27, 2017$27,800$98,705
South KoreaDec 28, 2017$21,361$60,620
New ZealandOct 5, 2017$879$22,024