Sacred (2016)
Møre than 40 filmmakers traveled the globe to witness religious celebrations and interview people from all sorts of backgrounds.All Releases
Domestic (100%)
International (–)
Domestic DistributorArgot Pictures
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Domestic Opening$4,149
Earliest Release DateMay 5, 2017
Running Time1 hr 27 min
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Filmmakers | Role |
Thomas Lennon | Director |
Thomas Lennon | Producer |
Edward Bilous | Composer |
Haider Ali | Cinematographer |
Tamer Ashry | Cinematographer |
Matt Baguinon | Cinematographer |
Artur Bergart | Cinematographer |
Peter Buntaine | Cinematographer |
Herve Cohen | Cinematographer |
Dinesh Deokota | Cinematographer |
Miguel Drake-McLaughlin | Cinematographer |
Michael Haedener | Cinematographer |
Jeremiah Kent | Cinematographer |
Khin Maung Kyaw | Cinematographer |
George Lewis | Cinematographer |
James Longley | Cinematographer |
Michal Marczak | Cinematographer |
Patrick McLaughlin | Cinematographer |
Colin Morvan | Cinematographer |
Masanori Nagi | Cinematographer |
Jonathan Rapoport | Cinematographer |
Oren Rudavsky | Cinematographer |
Avner Shahaf | Cinematographer |
Gareth Smit | Cinematographer |
Eefje Vaghi | Cinematographer |
Eric West | Cinematographer |
Nick August-Perna | Editor |
Maeve O'Boyle | Editor |