Wind River (2017)

A wildlife officer, who is haunted by a tragedy that happened because of him, teams up with an FBI agent in solving a murder of a young woman on a Wyoming Native American reservation and hopes to get redemption from his past regrets.

All Releases

Domestic (76.5%)
International (23.5%)
Summary Details
Domestic DistributorThe Weinstein Company
See full company information
Domestic Opening$161,558
Earliest Release DateAugust 3, 2017 (EMEA, APAC)
Running Time1 hr 47 min
GenresCrime Drama Mystery Thriller Western
TitleEarliest Release DateDomestic Opening Weekend% of TotalTheatersDomestic 2nd Weekend2nd Weekend DropDomesticInternationalWorldwide
Molly's GameDec 25, 2017$2.3M8.2%271$6.9M+191.8%$28.8M$30.5M$59.3M