Our Story (2015)

A man who has been wronged, whose children, wife, home, and future have been taken from him - A lonely and helpless woman left alone with her children. An old love that was a victim of the wrong time and the wrong case.

All Releases

Domestic ()
International (100%)
Summary Details
Earliest Release DateDecember 27, 2013 (Türkiye)
Running Time1 hr 37 min

By Release

Release GroupRolloutMarketsDomesticInternationalWorldwide
Original ReleaseDecember 27, 2013Türkiye$5,122,113$5,122,113
2015 Re-releaseMarch 27-April 3, 2015EMEA$447,389$447,389

By Region

EMEA# ReleasesLifetime GrossRank