The Mission (2023)

26-year-old American missionary John Chau was killed as he attempted to make contact with an Indigenous group off the coast of India, one of the last communities on the planet still living in isolation.

All Releases

Domestic (83.6%)
International (16.4%)
Summary Details
Domestic DistributorPicturehouse Entertainment
See full company information
Domestic Opening$30,409
Earliest Release DateOctober 13, 2023 (Domestic)
Running Time1 hr 43 min
GenresAnimation Biography Documentary


AreaRelease DateOpeningGross
DomesticOct 13, 2023$30,409$58,377

Europe, Middle East, and Africa

AreaRelease DateOpeningGross
United KingdomNov 17, 2023$11,453$11,453