Bernie (2011)
In small-town Texas, an affable mortician strikes up a friendship with a wealthy widow, though when she starts to become controlling, he goes to great lengths to separate himself from her grasp.All Releases
Domestic (90.5%)
International (9.5%)
Domestic DistributorMillennium Entertainment
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Domestic Opening$85,805
Earliest Release DateApril 27, 2012
Running Time1 hr 39 min
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By Release
Release Group | Rollout | Markets | Domestic | International | Worldwide |
Original Release | April 27-May 10, 2013 | 8 markets | $9,206,470 | $884,171 | $10,090,641 |
2015 Re-release | August 7, 2015 | Spain | – | $82,420 | $82,420 |
By Region
Domestic | # Releases | Lifetime Gross | Rank |
Domestic | 1 | $9,206,470 | 5,291 |
APAC | # Releases | Lifetime Gross | Rank |
Australia | 1 | $515,354 | 3,139 |
New Zealand | 1 | $109,468 | 2,896 |
Singapore | 1 | $61,971 | 2,308 |
Hong Kong | 1 | $40,121 | 3,765 |
EMEA | # Releases | Lifetime Gross | Rank |
United Kingdom | 1 | $146,730 | 5,126 |
Spain | 1 | $82,420 | 5,573 |
Portugal | 1 | $9,003 | 4,490 |
Türkiye | 1 | $1,524 | 5,820 |