Origin (2023)

The unspoken system that has shaped America and chronicles how lives today are defined by a hierarchy of human divisions.

All Releases

Domestic (96.9%)
International (3.1%)
Summary Details
Domestic DistributorNeon
See full company information
Domestic Opening$117,063
Earliest Release DateDecember 8, 2023 (Domestic)
Running Time2 hr 21 min
GenresDrama History


AreaRelease DateOpeningGross
DomesticDec 8, 2023$117,063$4,689,830

Europe, Middle East, and Africa

AreaRelease DateOpeningGross
United KingdomMar 8, 2024$52,914$52,914
PortugalMay 30, 2024$11,225
HungaryApr 11, 2024$585$2,394
CroatiaApr 4, 2024$2,125$2,125

Asia Pacific

AreaRelease DateOpeningGross
New ZealandApr 18, 2024$4,765$19,730