New York, I Love You (2008)

Eleven love stories set in one of the most loved and hated cities of the world, New York City.

All Releases

Domestic (15.9%)
International (84.1%)
Summary Details
Domestic DistributorVivendi Entertainment
See full company information
Domestic Opening$380,605
Earliest Release DateSeptember 17, 2009 (Germany)
Running Time1 hr 43 min
GenresComedy Drama Romance
TitleEarliest Release DateDomestic Opening Weekend% of TotalTheatersDomestic 2nd Weekend2nd Weekend DropDomesticInternationalWorldwide
New York StoriesMar 3, 1989$432.3k4%12$2.4M+457.5%$10.8M$10.8M
Across the UniverseSep 14, 2007$667.8k2.7%23$2.0M+192.1%$24.6M$5.0M$29.6M
August RushNov 21, 2007$9.4M29.8%2,310$5.0M-46.7%$31.7M$34.5M$66.1M
Party GirlJun 9, 1995$57.2k12.1%7$472.4k$472.4k
Six Degrees of SeparationDec 10, 1993$53.1k0.8%2$35.9k-32.4%$6.4M$6.4M
SmokeJun 9, 1995$70.7k0.8%4$8.4M$8.4M
Paris, Je T'aimeJun 21, 2006$39.2k0.8%2$40.5k+3.2%$4.9M$12.6M$17.5M
Annie HallApr 20, 1977$38.3M$36.6k$38.3M
The WacknessJul 3, 2008$138.4k6.7%6$217.1k+56.9%$2.1M$1.1M$3.2M
ManhattanApr 25, 1979$485.7k1.2%29$39.9M$247.3k$40.2M