The Lookout (2007)

Chris is a once promising high school athlete whose life is turned upside down following a tragic accident. As he tries to maintain a normal life, he takes a job as a janitor at a bank, where he ultimately finds himself caught up in a planned heist.

All Releases

Domestic (85.7%)
International (14.3%)
Summary Details
Domestic DistributorMiramax
See full company information
Domestic Opening$2,007,000
Earliest Release DateMarch 30, 2007 (Domestic)
Running Time1 hr 39 min
GenresCrime Drama Thriller
TitleEarliest Release DateDomestic Opening Weekend% of TotalTheatersDomestic 2nd Weekend2nd Weekend DropDomesticInternationalWorldwide
DriveSep 15, 2011$11.3M32.3%2,886$5.8M-49.2%$35.1M$44.7M$79.7M
Running ScaredJan 6, 2006$3.1M44.9%1,611$1.4M-55.3%$6.9M$2.5M$9.4M
Killing Them SoftlySep 21, 2012$6.8M45.3%2,424$2.8M-58.8%$15.0M$22.9M$37.9M
Birthday GirlJan 25, 2002$2.4M46.1%1,000$1.1M-52.2%$5.1M$11.0M$16.2M
50/50Sep 30, 2011$8.6M24.7%2,458$5.7M-34.6%$35.0M$6.1M$41.1M
BrickMar 31, 2006$83.6k4%2$199.3k+138.5%$2.1M$1.9M$3.9M
ConfidenceApr 25, 2003$4.8M39.2%1,871$2.5M-47.9%$12.3M$10.8M$23.0M
A Walk Among the TombstonesSep 18, 2014$12.8M48.5%2,712$4.2M-67.1%$26.3M$32.5M$58.8M
The TownSep 15, 2010$23.8M25.8%2,861$15.6M-34.5%$92.2M$61.8M$154.0M