Romance & Cigarettes (2005)

This down-and-dirty musical set in the world of working-class New York tells the story of a husband's journey into infidelity and redemption when he must choose between his seductive mistress and his beleaguered wife.

All Releases

Domestic (19%)
International (81%)
Summary Details
Domestic DistributorBoroturro
See full company information
Earliest Release DateMarch 24, 2006 (United Kingdom)
Running Time1 hr 45 min
GenresComedy Musical Romance


AreaRelease DateOpeningGross
DomesticSep 7, 2007$557,471

Europe, Middle East, and Africa

AreaRelease DateOpeningGross
ItalyMay 5, 2006$389,033$1,455,348
United KingdomMar 24, 2006$120,365$439,112
SwitzerlandAug 3, 2006$120,121
NetherlandsMar 30, 2006$25,799$92,022
PortugalAug 3, 2006$45,551
NorwayApr 7, 2006$12,602$34,438
GreeceApr 6, 2006$22,150$22,150
PolandDec 29, 2006$16,604$16,604
TürkiyeJun 30, 2006$15,787$15,787

Asia Pacific

AreaRelease DateOpeningGross
Russia/CISMay 18, 2006$38,838$136,638