Seducing Doctor Lewis (2003)

A much-needed boost, in the form of a new factory, is promised to the residents of the tiny fishing village St. Marie-La-Mauderne, provided they can lure a doctor to take up full-time residency on the island. Inspired, the villagers devise a scheme to make Dr. Christopher Lewis a local.

All Releases

Domestic (71.6%)
International (28.4%)
Summary Details
Domestic DistributorOdeon
See full company information
Domestic Opening$895,699
Earliest Release DateJuly 11, 2003 (Domestic)
Running Time1 hr 48 min
GenresComedy Drama

By Release

Release GroupRolloutMarketsDomesticInternationalWorldwide
Original ReleaseJuly 11-April 28, 2004EMEA, Domestic$9,354,342$3,149,696$12,504,038
2004 Re-releaseJune 16-April 7, 20054 markets$489,838$749,440$1,239,278

By Region

Domestic# ReleasesLifetime GrossRank
EMEA# ReleasesLifetime GrossRank
APAC# ReleasesLifetime GrossRank
New Zealand1$253,3942,003