Criminal (2004)

Two con artists try to swindle a currency collector by selling him a counterfeit copy of an extremely rare currency bill.

All Releases

Domestic (66.5%)
International (33.5%)
Summary Details
Domestic DistributorWarner Independent Pictures (WIP)
See full company information
Domestic Opening$283,209
Earliest Release DateSeptember 10, 2004 (Domestic)
Running Time1 hr 27 min
GenresComedy Crime Drama Thriller


AreaRelease DateOpeningGross
DomesticSep 10, 2004$283,209$929,233

Europe, Middle East, and Africa

AreaRelease DateOpeningGross
United KingdomFeb 18, 2005$113,856$113,856
ItalyMar 4, 2005$29,461$29,917
United Arab EmiratesOct 12, 2005$9,737$13,215

Latin America

AreaRelease DateOpeningGross
MexicoNov 19, 2004$311,832