Bhoot (2003)

When a married couple moves into a flat that is haunted by a spirit, a series of inexplicable experiences drive the wife to near madness. Now, the husband must protect his wife to save their marriage.

All Releases

Domestic (2.9%)
International (97.1%)
Summary Details
Domestic DistributorSpark Media
See full company information
Domestic Opening$60,000
Earliest Release DateMay 30, 2003 (Domestic, APAC)
Running Time1 hr 53 min
GenresHorror Mystery Thriller

By Release

Release GroupRolloutMarketsDomesticInternationalWorldwide
Original ReleaseMay 30, 2003Domestic, APAC$106,774$3,533,698$3,640,472
2010 Re-releaseJune 17, 2010Hong Kong$19,930$19,930

By Region

APAC# ReleasesLifetime GrossRank
Hong Kong1$19,9304,148
Domestic# ReleasesLifetime GrossRank