The Hebrew Hammer (2003)

Orthodox Jewish hero teams up with a fierce beauty and a Kwanzaa activist to stop Santa's evil son from destroying Hanukkah. The unlikely trio must thwart Damian's nefarious plan and preserve the beloved holiday for Jews everywhere.

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Domestic (86.8%)
International (13.2%)
Summary Details
Domestic DistributorStrand Releasing
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Domestic Opening$19,539
Earliest Release DateDecember 19, 2003 (Domestic)
Running Time1 hr 25 min
Jonathan Kesselman Director
Jonathan Kesselman Writer
Lisa Fragner Producer
Josh Kesselman Producer
Sofia Sondervan Producer
Michael Cohen Composer
Kurt Brabbee Cinematographer
Dean Holland Editor
Cabot McMullen Production Designer
Adam Goldberg
Mordechai Jefferson Carver
Andy Dick
Damian Claus
Judy Greer
Esther Bloomenbergensteinenthal
Mario Van Peebles
Mohammed Ali Paula Abdul Rahim