Two Men Went to War (2002)

Comedy drama based on the true story of two British Army dentists who in 1942, eager to see action, go A.W.O.L. and invade occupied France on their own.

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Domestic (69.3%)
International (30.7%)
Summary Details
Domestic DistributorIndican Pictures
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Domestic Opening$10,672
Earliest Release DateOctober 23, 2003 (New Zealand)
Running Time1 hr 49 min
GenresComedy Drama War
John Henderson Director
Richard Everett Writer
Raymond Foxall Writer
Christopher Villiers Writer
Pat Harding Producer
Ira Trattner Producer
Richard Harvey Composer
John Ignatius Cinematographer
Kevin Finn Editor
David Yardley Editor
Sophie Becher Production Designer
Steve Carter Production Designer
Kenneth Cranham
Sergeant Peter King
Leo Bill
Pvt. Leslie Cuthbertson
Derek Jacobi
Major Merton
Anthony Valentine
Sergeant Major Dudley