The Beautiful Country (2004)
After reuniting with his mother in Ho Chi Minh City, a family tragedy causes Binh to flee from Viet Nam to America. Landing in New York, Binh begins a road trip to Texas, where his American father is said to live.All Releases
Domestic (50.4%)
International (49.6%)
Earliest Release DateMarch 19, 2004
Running Time2 hr 17 min
See more details at IMDbPro
Filmmakers | Role |
Hans Petter Moland | Director |
Sabina Murray | Writer |
Lingard Jervey | Writer |
Sabina Murray | Writer |
Tomas Backström | Producer |
Petter J. Borgli | Producer |
Terrence Malick | Producer |
Edward R. Pressman | Producer |
Zbigniew Preisner | Composer |
Stuart Dryburgh | Cinematographer |
Wibecke Rønseth | Editor |
Karl Júlíusson | Production Designer |
Cast | Role |
Damien Nguyen | |
Bai Ling | |
Dang Quoc Thinh Tran | |
Thi Hoa Mai |