Total Recall (1990)

When a man goes in to have virtual vacation memories of the planet Mars implanted in his mind, an unexpected and harrowing series of events forces him to go to the planet for real - or is he?

All Releases

Domestic (45.7%)
International (54.3%)
Summary Details
Domestic DistributorSony Pictures Releasing
See full company information
Domestic Opening$25,533,700
Earliest Release DateJune 1, 1990 (Domestic)
Running Time1 hr 53 min
GenresAction Adventure Sci-Fi

By Release

Release GroupRolloutMarketsDomesticInternationalWorldwide
Original ReleaseJune 1, 1990Domestic, APAC$119,394,840$12,538$119,407,378
2012 Re-releaseAugust 10, 2012Domestic$18,081$18,081
2020 Re-releaseDecember 4, 2020EMEA, APAC$15,221$15,221

By Region

Domestic# ReleasesLifetime GrossRank
APAC# ReleasesLifetime GrossRank
EMEA# ReleasesLifetime GrossRank
United Kingdom1$3,1199,978