Home of the Brave: A Film by Laurie Anderson (1986)

Concert film of Laurie Anderson performing songs from her first three albums, selections from her four-night epic "United States Live," and several new songs, which incorporate a unique blend of film, animation, dance, and electronics.

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Summary Details
Domestic DistributorCinecom Pictures
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Earliest Release DateApril 25, 1986 (Domestic)
Running Time1 hr 30 min
GenresDocumentary Music
Laurie Anderson Director
Laurie Anderson Writer
Paula Mazur Producer
Laurie Anderson Composer
John Lindley Cinematographer
Lisa Day Editor
David Gropman Production Designer
Laurie Anderson
Self/Fenway Bergamot/The Voice of Reason
Joy Askew
Adrian Belew
Self (Guitar and Vocals)
William S. Burroughs