Apocalypse Now (1979)

A U.S. Army officer serving in Vietnam is tasked with assassinating a renegade Special Forces Colonel who sees himself as a god.

All Releases

Domestic (91.4%)
International (8.6%)
Summary Details
Domestic DistributorMetro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM)
See full company information
Domestic Opening$118,558
Earliest Release DateAugust 15, 1979 (Domestic)
Running Time2 hr 27 min
GenresDrama Mystery War
TitleEarliest Release DateDomestic Opening Weekend% of TotalTheatersDomestic 2nd Weekend2nd Weekend DropDomesticInternationalWorldwide
JarheadNov 4, 2005$27.7M44.2%2,411$11.7M-57.7%$62.7M$34.4M$97.1M
FuryOct 17, 2014$23.7M27.6%3,173$13.4M-43.6%$85.8M$126.0M$211.8M