Born for You

A film adaptation of the book of the same name published by Einaudi, tells the story of Luca a single Catholic man, and homosexual, who in 2017 adopted Alba, a Down's syndrome child left in hospital shortly after being born. Thirty heterosexual families rejected her before the court decided to entrust her to him: with him, the legal foster care register for singles was inaugurated in Italy. Luca was in fact the first case in Italy of a single, homosexual person succeeding in adopting a daughter. But his was not a charitable gesture: he simply wanted a family.


Domestic ()
International (100%)
Europe, Middle East, and Africa
MarketRelease DateOpeningGross
ItalyOct 5, 2023$265,144$823,145
NetherlandsJun 20, 2024$27,511$34,829