The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry

Harold is an ordinary man who has passed through life, living on the side lines, until he goes to post a letter one day...and just keeps walking.


Domestic ()
International (100%)
Europe, Middle East, and Africa
MarketRelease DateOpeningGross
BulgariaJun 21, 2024$229$1,505
FranceMay 31, 2023$149,856$331,859
HungaryJan 4, 2024$13,393$13,393
ItalyOct 5, 2023$96,473$181,072
NetherlandsOct 5, 2023$63,317$482,946
NorwayJun 9, 2023$6,573$50,996
PolandJun 16, 2023$10,776$10,776
South AfricaMay 5, 2023$3,068$11,928
SpainAug 25, 2023$30,200$79,419
TürkiyeJul 14, 2023$854$854
United KingdomApr 28, 2023$986,173$4,395,822
Asia Pacific
MarketRelease DateOpeningGross
New ZealandJun 8, 2023$60,578$331,045
Russia/CISJun 12, 2024$9,997$21,708