Lucy ist jetzt Gangster

Reliable sources claim 10-year-old Lucy - actually a quiet and lovable primary school student - is about to rob a bank in the pedestrian zone of Bietigheim-Bissingen. Her motive is easy to understand: The ice-cream machine from GLAETERIA FELICITÀ, Lucy's parents' shop, has broken down. Lucy needs money to buy a new one, in order to save the families ice cream parlor. A few weeks ago, Lucy wouldn't even have jaywalked. She was recently coached by the school's bad boy, Tristan, in how to be ruthless and bad. The operation, code-named "Lucyfer," covered various bad-guy disciplines such as stealing, lying, cheating, and bribing. Witnesses say the training was a total success: even Lucy's best friend Rima no longer recognizes her and is very worried, although there's absolutely no cause for concern.


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MarketRelease DateOpeningGross
SloveniaMay 23, 2024$158$520