Pinocchio: A True Story

Young Pinocchio runs away from his genius creator Jepetto accompanied by the horse Tibalt to see the world and joins the traveling circus run by hustler Modjafocco.


Domestic ()
International (100%)
Europe, Middle East, and Africa
MarketRelease DateOpeningGross
BulgariaMay 6, 2022$18,069$67,583
CroatiaJan 16, 2025$24,811$71,260
TürkiyeFeb 10, 2023$15,872$31,287
United Arab EmiratesDec 23, 2021$22,821$42,869
United KingdomJul 14, 2023$14,823$14,823
Asia Pacific
MarketRelease DateOpeningGross
New ZealandMay 19, 2022$6,530$16,895
Russia/CISFeb 17, 2022$256,932$394,516
South KoreaJul 13, 2023$55,763$114,889