
The nice town Kellyville is too small to accommodate the world's worst scoundrels, Albert and Egon, who decides to go out in the world.


Domestic ()
International (100%)
Europe, Middle East, and Africa
MarketRelease DateOpeningGross
BulgariaJul 14, 2023$47,818
CroatiaSep 10, 2015$5,819$35,052
DenmarkFeb 26, 2015$306,471$1,193,859
ItalyJun 19, 2015$146,942$489,366
Serbia and MontenegroDec 10, 2015$3,411$8,204
SpainJun 10, 2016$15,097$37,430
United Arab EmiratesJun 23, 2016$18,290$30,663