Black Tea

After saying "no" on her wedding day, Joice leaves the Ivory Coast to start a new life in Guangzhou, China.


Domestic ()
International (100%)
Europe, Middle East, and Africa
MarketRelease DateOpeningGross
FranceFeb 28, 2024$224,729$378,173
HungaryAug 15, 2024$9,913$31,218
NetherlandsJun 13, 2024$12,612$13,985
PortugalJan 2, 2025$1,312$1,312
SloveniaJun 13, 2024$714$5,366
SpainSep 13, 2024$26,292$26,292
TürkiyeApr 26, 2024$2,247$2,247
Asia Pacific
MarketRelease DateOpeningGross
Russia/CISOct 17, 2024$7,867$21,979