Dancing Queen

A 12-year-old girl who falls in love with a famous dancer who moves to her town, and auditions for his crew - despite the fact that she cannot dance.


Domestic ()
International (100%)
Europe, Middle East, and Africa
MarketRelease DateOpeningGross
IcelandNov 10, 2023$79$843
LithuaniaJan 26, 2024$4,085
NorwayMar 10, 2023$151,966$700,667
RomaniaDec 6, 2024$2,013$7,249
SloveniaSep 14, 2023$923$9,489
Asia Pacific
MarketRelease DateOpeningGross
Russia/CISAug 24, 2023$2,605$4,826
South KoreaMay 29, 2024$9,341$16,380