Tchaikovsky's Wife

Tumultuous relationship between Pyotr Tchaikovsky, the most famous Russian composer of all time, and his wife Antonina Miliukova.


Domestic ()
International (100%)
Europe, Middle East, and Africa
MarketRelease DateOpeningGross
FranceFeb 15, 2023$479,638$1,173,693
NetherlandsMay 11, 2023$14,464$38,271
PortugalJan 30, 2025$3,085$3,085
SpainApr 21, 2023$17,497$17,573
TürkiyeMar 31, 2023$4,596$17,970
United KingdomDec 29, 2023$1,255$1,255
Asia Pacific
MarketRelease DateOpeningGross
South KoreaMay 1, 2024$8,857$32,314