Je Jatt Vigarh Gya

Follows the story of Daler (Jayy Randhawa), a straightforward and a fierce individual whose life takes a drastic turn due to unforeseen personal circumstances. Faced with injustice and unnatural behavior, Guri's transformation from a law-abiding kid to a relentless avenger forms the crux of the narrative.


New Zealand
Domestic ()
Summary Details
DistributorMind Blowing Films
10 theaters
Release DateMay 17, 2024
Running Time2 hr 12 min
In Release214 days/30 weeks
Widest Release10 theaters
DateRankWeekend %± LW TheatersChange AvgTo DateWeekend
May 16-1920$3,288-10-$328$3,2881
May 23-2657$344-89.5%1-9$344$5,2042
May 30-Jun 285$79-77%1-$79$5,5693