Murphy's Law

Framed for his ex-wife's murder by a parolee he once put behind bars, Los Angeles cop Jack Murphy escapes from custody to capture the killer, but he is now handcuffed to a foul-mouthed thief he had only just arrested.


Domestic (100%)
Summary Details
DistributorCannon Film Distributors
See full company information
1,260 theaters
Release DateApr 18, 1986
Running Time1 hr 40 min
GenresAction Crime Drama Mystery Thriller
In Release258 days/36 weeks
Widest Release1,260 theaters
DateRankWeekly %± LW TheatersChange AvgTo DateWeek
Apr 18-242$4,446,414-1,260-$3,528$4,446,4141
Apr 25-May 13$2,773,458-37.6%1,260-$2,201$7,219,8722
May 2-88$1,344,510-51.5%915-345$1,469$8,564,3823