Behind the Column

This film examines the career of an unsuccessful actor who suddenly finds himself pulled from the wings to become the leading stage director in a theatre, where he struggles to achieve his own dreams and battles to keep the company together. Set in the world of modern theatrical life, this satire, due to its very nature, has a certain sense of the surreal.


Domestic ()
Summary Details
Release DateSep 21, 2017
Running Time1 hr 26 min
In Release102 days/14 weeks
Widest Release8 theaters
DateRankWeekend %± LW TheatersChange AvgTo DateWeekend
Sep 21-2418$5,909----$5,9091
Sep 28-Oct 129$1,265-78.6%---$8,9312
Oct 5-830$624-50.7%8-$78$10,0753
Oct 19-2237$274-4-$68$11,0995