The Cabin in the Woods

A group of kids go to a remote cabin in the woods where their fate is unknowingly controlled by technicians as part of a world-wide conspiracy where all horror movie clichés are revealed to be part of an elaborate sacrifice ritual.

Summary Details
6 theaters
Release DateMay 10, 2012
Running Time1 hr 35 min
GenresHorror Mystery Thriller
In Release236 days/33 weeks
Widest Release6 theaters
DateRankWeekend %± LW TheatersChange AvgTo DateWeekend
May 10-136$16,156-6-$2,692$16,1561
May 17-2010$5,962-63.1%3-3$1,987$27,7572
May 24-2717$1,132-81%2-1$566$30,2253
May 31-Jun 315$889-21.5%2-$444$31,6544
Jun 7-1013$672-24.4%1-1$672$32,8305