Visions chamaniques

An initiatory journey among the Fangs of Gabon and the Shipibos of Peru, this film takes us to the sound of consecrated instruments such as the mogongo (mouth bow), the sacred harp and the Icaros, to encounter the wisdom of traditional peoples. This inherited wealth, known as shamanic, reminds us that we are joyful beings, connected to nature. We follow the stages of initiation and the teachings of Sandra Ingerman, world-renowned shamanic author.


Domestic ()
Summary Details
DistributorJupiter Communications
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16 theaters
Release DateMar 11, 2020
Running Time1 hr 29 min
In Release296 days/42 weeks
Widest Release16 theaters
DateRankWeekend %± LW TheatersChange AvgTo DateWeekend
Mar 11-1530$19,832-16-$1,239$19,8321