The Hunting Party

A young journalist, a seasoned cameraman and a discredited war correspondent embark on an unauthorized mission to find the No.1 war criminal in Bosnia. However, their extremely dangerous target decides to come after them.

Summary Details
4 theaters
Release DateJun 5, 2008
Running Time1 hr 41 min
GenresAdventure Comedy Drama Thriller War
In Release210 days/30 weeks
Widest Release4 theaters
DateRankWeekend %± LW TheatersChange AvgTo DateWeekend
Jun 5-810$2,670-4-$667$2,6701
Jun 12-1510$2,262-15.3%4-$565$6,1112
Jun 19-2213$1,147-49.3%3-1$382$7,8773