The Mist

After a massive thunderstorm, an eerie, unwavering fog descends upon a Maine community. Locals seek refuge in a grocery store from the monstrous creatures now roaming the countryside killing everyone they encounter.

Summary Details
DistributorTrade International
See full company information
5 theaters
Release DateJul 23, 2009
Running Time2 hr 6 min
GenresHorror Sci-Fi Thriller
In Release162 days/23 weeks
Widest Release5 theaters
DateRankWeekend %± LW TheatersChange AvgTo DateWeekend
Jul 23-265$6,342-5-$1,268$6,3421
Jul 30-Aug 25$4,270-32.7%2-3$2,135$12,4282
Aug 6-98$2,561-40%2-$1,280$16,9523