
A restless retired woman teams up with her deceased neighbor's maid to seek out a man who has a secret connection to her past life as a farm owner at the foothill of Mount Tabu in Africa.


United Kingdom
Domestic ()
Summary Details
DistributorDogwoof Pictures
11 theaters
Release DateSep 7, 2012
Running Time1 hr 58 min
GenresDrama Romance
In Release116 days/16 weeks
Widest Release11 theaters
DateRankWeekend %± LW TheatersChange AvgTo DateWeekend
Sep 7-928$16,012-11-$1,455$16,0121
Sep 14-1634$8,828-44.9%9-2$980$42,1202
Sep 21-2342$4,772-45.9%8-1$596$55,8253