Je Jatt Vigarh Gya

Follows the story of Daler (Jayy Randhawa), a straightforward and a fierce individual whose life takes a drastic turn due to unforeseen personal circumstances. Faced with injustice and unnatural behavior, Guri's transformation from a law-abiding kid to a relentless avenger forms the crux of the narrative.


Domestic ()
Summary Details
DistributorMind Blowing Films
See full company information
26 theaters
Running Time2 hr 12 min
Widest Release26 theaters
DateRankWeekend %± LW TheatersChange AvgTo DateWeekend
May 16-1922$26,656-26-$1,025$26,6561
May 23-2636$4,041-84.8%3-23$1,347$42,1992
May 30-Jun 261$2,218-45.1%1-2$2,218$45,5463
Jun 6-972$1,214-45.3%1-$1,214$46,7804
Jun 13-16102$598-50.7%1-$598$48,4475