Paul, Apostle of Christ

Luke risks his life to visit Paul, who is captive in a Roman prison under Nero's rule. Together, they struggle against a determined emperor and the frailties of the human spirit to live out the Gospel and spread the message to the world.


Trinidad & Tobago
Summary Details
DistributorSony Pictures Releasing
See full company information
15 theaters
Release DateMar 28, 2018
Running Time1 hr 48 min
GenresAdventure Biography Drama History
In Release279 days/39 weeks
Widest Release15 theaters
DateRankWeekend %± LW TheatersChange AvgTo DateWeekend
Mar 28-Apr 13$11,908-15-$793$14,8491
Apr 4-83$3,463-70.9%10-5$346$23,4622