Modern Life Is Rubbish

Boy meets girl in CD store. They like the same music. He's a guitarist in a band of 3 and she works in the City of London and is the breadwinner. Is love of the same music enough to keep them together years later?


United Kingdom
Domestic ()
Summary Details
DistributorLipsync Productions
See full company information
9 theaters
Release DateMay 4, 2018
Running Time1 hr 45 min
GenresComedy Music Romance
In Release242 days/34 weeks
Widest Release9 theaters
DateRankWeekend %± LW TheatersChange AvgTo DateWeekend
May 4-632$3,291-9-$365$3,2911
May 11-1361$120-96.4%2-7$60$4,1532