The Wretched

A defiant teenage boy, struggling with his parents' imminent divorce, faces off with a thousand year-old witch, who is living beneath the skin of and posing as the woman next door.


Summary Details
DistributorCJ CGV
2,679 theaters
Release DateJun 21, 2020
Running Time1 hr 35 min
GenresDrama Horror Mystery Thriller
In Release194 days/27 weeks
Widest Release2,679 theaters
DateRankWeekend %± LW TheatersChange AvgTo DateWeekend
Jun 19-211$134,256-2,679-$50$134,2561
Jun 26-284$54,714-59.2%1,418-1,261$38$271,8462
Jul 3-59$6,629-87.9%217-1,201$30$302,8413