Mushi-Shi: The Movie

A wandering mystical doctor passes through remote regions of Japan uncovering supernatural creatures called the Mushi and curing people of their effects.


South Korea
Domestic ()
Summary Details
5 theaters
Release DateSep 20, 2007
Running Time2 hr 11 min
GenresDrama Fantasy
In Release103 days/14 weeks
Widest Release5 theaters
DateRankWeekend %± LW TheatersChange AvgTo DateWeekend
Sep 21-2322$5,585-5-$1,117$5,5851
Sep 28-3020$7,113+27.4%4-1$1,778$12,7332
Oct 5-726$637-91%1-3$637$14,2913
Oct 12-1437$446-30%1-$446$14,9124
Nov 23-2553$102-1-$102$15,09110