Don't Open Your Eyes

Homicide detective Seven and his new love Fiona are haunted by a group of venomous ghosts. He enlists the help of Bing, the police force's unofficial expert on the supernatural. A full-blown war ensues between the living and the dead.


Hong Kong
Domestic ()
Summary Details
DistributorMega-Vision Pictures (MVP)
See full company information
Release DateMay 18, 2006
Running Time1 hr 33 min
GenresComedy Horror
In Release228 days/32 weeks
Widest Release23 theaters
DateRankWeekly %± LW TheatersChange AvgTo DateWeek
May 18-244$103,819-23-$4,513$103,8191
May 25-315$71,647-31%15-8$4,776$175,4662