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Jonathan was once a champion. A handsome stallion, his master's faithful horse, the favorite of his little daughter Sasha. But one day everything changed. During a fire in the stable, the owner died while saving his horse. Time has passed, but it's as if something has gone out in Jonathan himself, and only 13-year-old Sasha still believes in him. Trouble made these two inseparable. Sasha, who misses her dead father, has found her closest friend in Jonathan. And when she is offered to betray him and compete on another horse, she chooses to go to victory with Jonathan. Despite the falls and disbelief of others. After all, they can only rise and take off together, as her father taught her - they don't abandon their friends.


Domestic ()
Summary Details
DistributorНаше Кино
Release DateJun 27, 2024
Running Time1 hr 35 min
GenresAdventure Drama Family
In Release238 days/34 weeks
DateRankWeekend %± LW TheatersChange AvgTo DateWeekend
Jun 27-309$134,744----$134,7441
Jul 4-712$69,509-48.4%---$271,0922
Jul 11-1424$15,483-77.7%---$327,3073
Jul 18-2140$2,311-85.1%---$338,2614