Getting It Right

Gavin is thirty-one-years-old and still lives with his parents. He is awfully shy, but before he knows it, there are three women interested in him. Lady Minerva Munday has a casual way of life and lives in a basement, Joan is an over-sexed millionairess, married to a Greek architect. But Gavin prefers the ugly assistant in the barbershop.


Domestic (100%)
Summary Details
DistributorManagement Company Entertainment Group (MCEG)
See full company information
44 theaters
Release DateMay 5, 1989 - Oct 5, 1989
Running Time1 hr 42 min
GenresComedy Drama Romance
In Release241 days/34 weeks
Widest Release44 theaters
DateRankWeekend %± LW TheatersChange AvgTo DateWeekend
May 5-714$73,159-44-$1,662$73,1591