Soares é Fixe

The third Portuguese presidential elections after the April 25, 1974 Revolution took place on January 26, 1986. The tight race for an absolute majority between Mário Soares (1924-2017) and Diogo Freitas do Amaral (1941-2019) necessitated a runoff, which occurred on February 16 of the same year. During that long night of vote counting, Soares reminisced about the resistance to dictatorship, the major struggles post-April 25th, his life companions, his wife, children, and all the sacrifices that led him to that important moment in his life. The title of the film chosen by director Sérgio Graciano is the slogan created in 1985 by Adelino Vaz, former leader of the Centrist Youth, during a meeting of the MASP (Movement of Support Soares for President), at a time when polls gave only 8% to Mário Soares. The cast includes actors Tónan Quito, João Pedro Vaz, Margarida Cardeal, Maria Gomes Andrade, Miguel Mateus, and Tiago Fernandes, among others.


Domestic ()
Summary Details
DistributorBig Picture Films
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55 theaters
Release DateFeb 22, 2024
Running Time1 hr 23 min
In Release366 days/52 weeks
Widest Release55 theaters
DateRankWeekend %± LW TheatersChange AvgTo DateWeekend
Feb 22-2517$11,989-55-$217$11,9891
Feb 29-Mar 329$1,795-85%16-39$112$18,2472