
The recently divorced father of a nine-year-old, furious his daughter can't spend her birthday with him, bursts into her classroom with a birthday cake and a rifle. A hostage crisis ensues, and the mayor of the town in which the events take place will try to use the situation to gain advantage ahead of the elections, stopping at nothing. The son of a young policeman is in the same class, and before the events unfold, he'll have to answer a question as well.


Domestic ()
Summary Details
DistributorBF Distribution
See full company information
Release DateMar 24, 2022
Running Time1 hr 41 min
GenresComedy Crime Thriller
In Release283 days/40 weeks
Widest Release43 theaters
DateRankWeekend %± LW TheatersChange AvgTo DateWeekend
Mar 31-Apr 313$4,163-43-$96$27,9552
Apr 7-1024$37-99.1%1-42$37$30,1073