Legenda ostrova Dvid

5th grader Zhenya finds himself on an island called Dvid, which has an enormous octopus living in its caves. The residents are under strict orders to be quiet at all times or they will be facing a now disturbed and highly enraged octopus.


Domestic ()
Summary Details
82 theaters
Release DateApr 15, 2010
Running Time1 hr 45 min
GenresAction Adventure Fantasy Sci-Fi
In Release261 days/37 weeks
Widest Release82 theaters
DateRankWeekend %± LW TheatersChange AvgTo DateWeekend
Apr 15-1813$86,281-82-$1,052$86,2811
Apr 22-2514$33,115-61.6%82-$403$124,8112
Apr 29-May 220$5,205-84.3%19-63$273$132,9813
May 6-928$2,384-54.2%9-10$264$136,0854
May 13-1641$243-89.8%3-6$81$136,4055