Goddess Like Me

The naive school teacher Lena suddenly loses both her job and her husband. "The problem is definitely in me," she decides, and on the advice of a friend, she signs up to reshape herself for the "Become a Goddess" training. The result is obvious: a new image and a loving admirer Andrey. It's just not clear whether Lena managed to find herself, and whether something very important was lost in the process.


Domestic ()
Summary Details
DistributorCentral Partnership
See full company information
Release DateSep 21, 2023
Running Time1 hr 39 min
GenresComedy Drama Romance
In Release283 days/40 weeks
DateRankWeekend %± LW TheatersChange AvgTo DateWeekend
Sep 21-243$267,855----$267,8551
Sep 28-Oct 17$130,862-51.1%---$486,2242
Oct 5-814$43,717-66.6%---$556,6003
Oct 12-1534$6,929-84.2%---$596,0764
Oct 19-2277$345-95%---$612,2585
Oct 26-29107$91-73.6%---$620,8486