
With his wife Olya, Vadim wants to buy a German tow truck. But this plan comes to nothing when he falls for a faraway girl he meets online. And so he embarks on an impossible attempt to start afresh a new place with the love of his life.


Domestic ()
Summary Details
DistributorA-One Films
Release DateApr 15, 2021
Running Time1 hr 36 min
GenresComedy Drama
In Release261 days/37 weeks
Widest Release19 theaters
DateRankWeekend %± LW TheatersChange AvgTo DateWeekend
Apr 22-2538$790-19-$41$9,1392
May 13-1682$13-1-$13$16,1755
May 20-2378$24+84.6%2+1$12$16,2886
May 27-3093$21-12.5%2-$10$16,4227
Jun 3-691$9-57.1%1-1$9$16,5098