El Chicano

A pair of twin brothers from East L.A. choose to live their lives differently and end up on opposite sides of the law.


Domestic (99.7%)
Summary Details
DistributorBriarcliff Entertainment
See full company information
605 theaters
Running Time2 hr 24 min
GenresAction Crime Drama Thriller
In Release243 days/34 weeks
Widest Release605 theaters
DateRankWeekend %± LW TheatersChange AvgTo DateWeekend
May 3-511$700,261-605-$1,157$700,2611
May 10-1220$228,857-67.3%447-158$511$1,229,8362
May 17-1946$23,513-89.7%75-372$313$1,362,2073