Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance

Johnny Blaze, tortured by the Ghost Rider's curse, gets a chance of redemption through protecting the Devil's son, whose father is pursuing him.

Summary Details
DistributorSilverbird Distribution
See full company information
6 theaters
Release DateMay 11, 2012
Running Time1 hr 36 min
GenresAction Fantasy Thriller
In Release235 days/33 weeks
Widest Release6 theaters
DateRankWeekend %± LW TheatersChange AvgTo DateWeekend
May 9-135$4,289-6-$714$4,2891
May 16-204$2,624-38.8%5-1$524$6,9132
May 23-275$1,204-54.1%4-1$301$8,1173
May 30-Jun 36$846-29.7%3-1$282$8,9624